$5,000 / day

Make ads like this

Today’s Motto: The best type of ads are the ones you don't realize are ads. 

Let’s dive into L’Oreal and see what we can learn from their mistakes and what they did to pivot with their TikTok ads.

If you spend time on TikTok, you may have run into L’Oreal ads and seen their transformation.

They started advertising like they would on TV, pushing overly produced and very polished B-roll. Thats great for brand awareness, but terrible for CPA.

From lots of trial and error, you can see that brands are looking to make more relatable UGC content that feels more personable to the audience. A super easy way to instantly have a more relatable feel is to lower the quality of the ad. 🎯

Instead of using a super expensive DSLR, just use the front-facing camera and screen record your video once you're done from TikTok!

This builds on why we spend so much time trying to make ads that mimic trends. In our last Newsletter, we mentioned the importance of this and how a fantastic example of this principle is copying the style of GRWM (get ready with me).

When you run these, the ads will look just like they came from the following tab, where the consumer could think one of their friends posted it. To reiterate, the more the ad mimics the feed, the better it will resonate with the consumer.

So, if you want to establish credibility and build brand awareness, that’s great, but it will NOT get you sales. Appeal to your audience and not what you want the audience to perceive your product as, and you will start crushing. Just from observing the difference in these two ads shown above, L’Oreal figured that out, so you don’t have to.

Happy ad making!

Note: If you have any questions or suggestions for next week’s newsletter, leave me a comment!

I’d love to pull some suggestions from here and answer them on my TikTok!